Friday, 2 September 2011

Lone Workers having to Track themselves?

The benefits of Lone Worker, GPRS and Vehicle Tracking Systems are well documented, but in the vast majority of cases I had understood that businesses were purchasing their own equipment.

However, it has recently come to my attention that some self-employed personnel and staff are looking to purchase their own lone worker safety solutions for times where they might find themselves in danger or an emergency.

Lone Workers Tracking devices work in the same way as vehicle trackers, with a couple of small but very important differences:

2 Way Radio Communication

The Radio systems used on the tracking device allows the worker to make emergency contact with someone in an office or based somewhere else in an emergency situation. Using pre-installed software the office based personnel can then track the persons exact location in order to assist.

Tracking Panic Button

The Tracking device itself also has a panic button, meaning the alarm can be raised in the event of an emergency with one click. The panic button is a very helpful function and the alarm can be raised at the other end on a variety of ways including SMS, Email, Telephone and other messaging services.

Tracking System

Of course, besides all these other features, the tracking device itself has its own uses and is the type of device that assists employers in complying with the Lone Worker corporate manslaughter laws.

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